
by Kips2.0   Dec 13, 2011

There was a very cautious man,
he never laughed or played;
he never risked, he never tried,
he never sang or prayed.

And when one day he passed away,
his insurance was denied;
for since he never really lived,
they claimed he never died!'

The failure rate of human
is one hundred percent,
and everyone with you included
qualifies for membership in this club.

The fact is, we all fail!
But that doesn't mean you
have to live in the fear of failure.
Faith in God is paramount.

It gives you the courage
to confront your fears and live
the life He meant you to live.
Don't let fear knock you out!

If you do, you'll suffer the regret
of 'what could have been.'
You'll never be perfect,
so you'll never be perfectly successful.

It doesn't mean you will not succeed
in life, but you must try.
Fear is a 'spirit,' and if you let it,
it will control you.


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  • 5 years ago

    by A.M.Jacobsen

    Very inspiring and truthful message!

  • 12 years ago

    by Kips2.0

    Haha...yes, but someone gave me a vote of "4". I don't think the poem deserve anything less than 5. but oh well, thank God for the message.

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    Lovelovelove. this is amazing, such a great message. 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Thomas

    I like your message. People sometimes forget to make mistakes and are harsh for people who make them.
    But without these mistakes life would not be worth living.

    I am relatively new to different writing styles but I liked yours.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I really enjoyed this poem, it spoke to me in so many ways and I think that should be one of those goals to keep in mind.

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