
by Jacob   Dec 14, 2011

Alone I sit and listen
To the sounds of emptiness
Singing to me, the one with empty arms
and broken dreams

Everything I ever wanted, seems
Unreachable or taken by another
Is fate a cruel prankster, with an unfunny joke?

I wonder at times, if Destiny
Has deemed me to wander all alone
Never knowing a lovers caress, or the passion in her eyes

At times the longing is maddening
The tears fall and melt into my pillow
The Lonliness enveloping me once again
I curse my longing soul

I watch others and still can smile at their joy
But At times, the hurt is raw
A reminder of what i don't have
And maybe never will

No lovers laughter or knowing smiles
No cuddles in the break of day light
My words heard whispered in the darkness
Only by my God and me

So many broken dreams, promises
All came to me times past but do nothing in the now
For now I am all alone im my bed and life
With unanswered songs

Never touching the realness
Of a lovers face and hair
Only staring at the space of nothing and feeling more Alone then I ever believed I could

Never did I believe I would end up this way
To end each day hungering for the touch
Of the one I love, but she isn't here, the dark princess of my longings

Screaming in my mind, shattering my heart
Like broken glass, I am tired of all alone
I face alone the day in my bed, nocturnal angel all alone
In the void of emptiness that is my world.


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    The last stanza really speaks to me. Wonderfully written and excellent flow.

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    I feel empty inside right now alone very well written :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by CarnivorousCoffin

    Well written.Very amazing.Wonderful and beutiful. :)