Comments : Thy Heart

  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I think this is a fabulous piece of emotion and creativity, it is very well penned excellent job.

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Thy heart can only stand to take so much,
    Anguish and grief have proven to be more than enough.
    Wishing for the pain to suddenly dissipate,
    Even if it means thy heart shall never again beat

    this was my fav stanza.
    you have penned down a great poem full of creativity. The wording was great coz you used english that was really interesting to read. i loved it.

  • 13 years ago

    by ronel mccarthy

    And even when broken this instrument can still work unlike other instruments even when 'tortured from what should be and what is '
    Thought-provoking. Do we take our heart for granted ?

  • 13 years ago

    by Amreen

    What a piece...!!
    It seems that this true piece reads your heart and silently conveys the language of your heart and what it has went through and still,despite of all,it stills manages to beat right....!!!

    How much more can thy heart break?
    Pain residing deep within thine own chest,
    Unable to catch a breath-
    Everything in thine own self yearning to scream out.

    very true,original and it conveys that since you are a human,you are always prone to the darkness of life and despite all this,you still strive to keep it all in yourself...

    Exhausted from lifes triumphs and battles,
    Dismayed at the calous of others.
    Tortured from what should be and what is,
    Torn between the evil choices one must choose.

    very true,my favorite and I could relate a lot to it....!I need not say why as the verse says it all....

    Trapped in this nightmare of agony,
    No escape shall come- all hope is vanished.
    Isolated in thine own sorrows,
    Unable to think about what lies ahead in all thy tomorrows.

    my favorite and just the right finish to this poem....

    Overall,GREAT WORK...!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    This poem is so deep and sad i feel your pain