The cut (redone)

by Joey Pankratz   Dec 20, 2011

I see a girl who's trying to hide all her pain.
Her tomorrow's will always bring the same.
But today is the day she will crack,
And crumble,
And shatter,
Breaking all the same, as she falls numb to the floor.
The slice of the sharp blade,
The sight of that crimson tear,
Is her escape from this insane world!
The pain, not what she seeks,
The scars, not for show,
Your help, not the answer,
Not your concerns does she care!
I know what you see,
I know what she feels,
I know her why's,
For she is me,
With fake smiles to hide the pain.


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    WOW I really liked this, I almost cried, my best friend is in the same situation, she's falling apart. 100/100 You heart was for sure in this

    • 12 years ago

      by Joey Pankratz

      I'm glad you enjoyed it. And tell your friend that there will become a dull to the blade but she needs to have the support and the acceptance of support.

  • 12 years ago

    by Biancas Veil

    Such sadness. Hold your head high and try harder each day until you can let it go and pull away

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