Comments : Passionate Romance

  • 13 years ago

    by Sunshine

    I reallly do not know, nor have the right words to say, this is one of your finest poems, Meme...
    i love it!

    my next weeks nomination...
    I am blown away, deeply astonished, and out of words

  • 13 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Wow, I love it. It truly is a greatly written piece. Not so sure about the structure of it however. Perhaps play around with that a little and it may be better in my opinion.

    For example, the first stanza:

    'Hiding behind an alias, a mysterious
    avatar. Living in a world that is ruled
    by those few verses that sometimes
    rhyme and in other times they don't.
    A world where I found my thoughts
    rambling in an empty sheet, pouring
    the contents of my heart.'

    can be transformed into something like this...

    Hiding behind an alias, a mysterious avatar;
    Living in a world, that is ruled by those-
    few verses that sometimes rhyme,
    and in other times they don't.

    A world where I found my thoughts
    rambling in an empty sheet,
    pouring the contents of my heart.


    But overall, a great piece, keep up the great work. :)

    - Joe

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    WE find inspiration in so many places if the mind is open . This was a great write, very creative and speaks clearly of intended meaning. Well done

  • 13 years ago

    by Ramblings of an ageing Kid

    Simply beautiful :D ....

    I love how it just speaks right to the reader's heart.

    And I am trying to point out a single part that I liked more but I realized that it is just impossible. This poem all together feels like a united entity of feelings, like a huge web of feelings ...

    Amazing write :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is very well written , Most of us can easily relate I really enjoyed this and cannot think of anything I could say to do it justice

  • 13 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar inspiration. dat became a wonderful poem..;)

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    WOW!!! I'm speechless.... Meme this is the one of the best poems I've ever read... I love how unique and original it is, but how it's also so relatable! We all feel that way when we express our poetry... but I seriously am at a loss of words. This poem is beautiful!!! And I just loved the raw emotions and honesty you penned so beautifully... I just loved it so much! This poem is a masterpiece!!! Amazing poem and not only deserve a nomination, but deserves to win! =D Great job hon!

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    This poem is great and amazing a very delightful read I very much loved it everything was great :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    A poem I really enjoyed reading

    The use of the word avatar makes me think of not being yourself or people not looking or knowing the real you

    Then this person you are writing about it seems as though he has seen the deeper side of you and knows you completely.

    Well done