Comments : The Obsession (Bulimia)

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Eating disorders are really bad. I mean there are ways to lose weight without having to starve one self and to not have to vomit everything out. Decreasing the amount of intake is one, and then exercising. Those two together will do the trick.
    Another one, to keep our mind busy from thoughts that make us want to eat more. But I think the best way is to exercise.

    But This piece makes a really good point about how some people can become obsess with how advertisements show thinnest and beauty to be too important and that can make some people want to be like them. In my opinion, being overweight or rather not being thin is not too important as long as they are healthy. If there is a health issue then losing weight is the best option. Now, it's easy to say this but I bet is really tough for some to lose weight but I know is possible. They just need to put effort and really want to.

    I really like reading about this type of disorders and I find poems to be really helpful. I hope that people who are experiencing this problems can realize that they have it before it's too late.

  • 13 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    Beautifully flowing poem, with a mission. Admire your tenacity of will. Yes, that is what is needed to stay on course with the desired objective. Determination in this poem is remarkable. Many have done it, why not you? if the resolution is undeterring. So good luck, and let no one pull you down on your resolution.

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    My God.. I swear I thought that would be awesome from the very first three line, and the title, I would have loved that it only says: OBSESSED

    without 'The' and without 'Bulimia' ,... just for the reader to let him/her ponder and make him enticed!

    At any level, I really enjoyed the content, and your style is so fervent... as if every word sounded like you're totally obsessed with those beauty pageants, but believe me, I don't see them beautiful... Their bodies aren't sexy by the way. If a woman doesn't have curves, definition, and lumpy facades in some places, she'd be no hot at alll.... (you can check my piece: BODY , about the same topic)

    Anyway, what I enjoyed the most is your style, so up to the point, so fast, not boring at all, and my god.. you ahve managed to control my breath from the start to the end.

    I love the adjective 'green' ... as if ur envvying her for what she has... But be thankful, she doesn't have it all.....


  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Wow, this piece is terrific, sadly at on time I would have said I could relate. great job with the descriptive imageries. Your voice is so sweet, but here it stands in a different light. I agree with all thats been said about the magnitude of this piece.

    It leaves a true impact on the reader and gives the viewer a perspective that most people know about but dont believe or dont know about all together.

  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a poem written from the view of one who coud suffer from an eating disorder . not only well written but very thought provoking

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness


    What an amazing poem indeed.

    Any form of eating disorder is so damaging.

    I know there are so many people reading this who would really feel everything you have written because they will be going through the same thing.

    I know what it is like to have that envious streak to those who are luckier in looks. Although I could never bring myself to starve or throw up.

    I go through one side of things and reading this I see how people go through the other side of things (I over eat) and the other side would be those with Bulemia / Anorexia.

    The other thing that is sad is that these people we see in the magazines / tv etc most likely have image issues as well and for all we know may be throwing up or not eating to keep the images we so admire. What good is that for us.

    The poem is like the thoughts repeating itself like an obsessed person would. The use of the words I am glowing green - depicts being envy but of course saying it twice in the poem is like showing us how much in fact you are envious of these people. And the obsessive thoughts repeating in your head.

    I enjoy reading this and I have nominated it because I think it is worthy to be!

    Well done


  • 13 years ago

    by Lithium1027

    I can totally relate to this poem. It's absolutely brilliant

  • 13 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    I can so relate to this alot.. i know how it feels. i love it

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    It's good and greatly written but u should never change who u are,,everyone is meant for something and is special and beautiful like a friend of mine said no one else can compare so don't compare ur very great the way u are :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Phantasma

    I felt this poem to be more of a lyric. I could feel myself singing along as I read through it. I thought you did a great job capturing how one with an eating disorder would feel. I believe it gives the readers a sense of how someone with this mental illness suffers.
    Your poem had a great flow and I didn't find myself getting bored while reading through it. Your poem started strong as well as ended strong like a poem should. 5/5 from me.
    Keep writing such strong pieces.

  • 13 years ago

    by Poetic Tragedy08

    Was a very interesting poem, I think the rhyme was interesting, and the flow was good too. I liked it, it was interesting and was unpredictable. Great job! 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    This is so sad. I don't like that girls harm themselves to look like someone else, whether it be bulimia, plastic surgery, etc...the "perfect" girls they wanna look like have only looks and prolly not happy lives in other areas, so we might as well enjoy our skin and forget about looking like someone else, it'd be a boring world if we were all thin and looked alike...

    Deep poem, I liked the repetition, gave it meaning and a serious tone. Good job!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Jess

    Wow, I'm Sure This Can Relate to So many people.
    I felt the pain of the writer, I honestly did.
    This is a perfect example of pain and jealousy.
    I Loved It, Nice Write!
    5/5 Jessi.

  • 13 years ago

    by Hollow Face

    Very moving and so true. It reminded me of a song. Good beat and rythm to it. Love this piece.

  • 13 years ago

    by christopher

    I like this poem and it is so relevant to todays young girls who are all under pressure to look good and a certain way. all of this pressure brought on by the media and what their idea of beauty is. apart from that your poem is structurely very good and the rhyming and timing is good can't say much more only well done and keep up the good work.

  • 12 years ago

    by Faith Ann

    Bulimia isnt the answer :( you are perfect the way you should never have to change. but great writing ! :)