On Love Altogether

by believeinlove87   Dec 26, 2011

Sitting there by herself,
Unable to understand why she always get hurt,
Trying to figure out why she is never enough,
Wiping away the dripping tears down her face,
Literally scared to death of getting hurt,
She is no longer the same.

Writing poetry, pouring out her heart and soul,
The only way she knows how to vent, how to be heard,
Every word that her fingertips type hurts her broken heart,
Everybody tells her, you'll find the right guy, He's just waiting,
Looking in the mirror, no smile upon that face of hers, she says " Love? If pain is love; I don't ever want it again."

Always been taught to never give up, to always have hope,
Promising herself a long time ago she'll find her one true love,
She no longer cares, her absolute faith has gone down the drain,
Every night she relives that agonizing pain felt in her deteriorating heart,
This is what happens when a beautiful girl who used to be filled up with so much love; gets broken until shes beyond repair.

Sitting there by herself,
The only thing she wants is to be truly happy for once,
Used to the tears pouring out her eyes, down onto her brittle body,
She feels herself withering away, Writing in her poetry book,
Starting her last poem, putting her heart into it,
Shes really gave up on love altogether.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    When we have been hurt so many times before it is he'd not to give up on relationships

    You have written this and expressed this deeply in your words

    Well done babe


  • 13 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    This is a very well written sad poem that reflects on the challenges cupid offers with his miscevious spells to make the stongest lovers give up