She Wonders

by Amanda   Dec 30, 2011

A girl's silent tears fall as she
sat on the cold tile floor a blade
in one hand and blood sliding down
the other. She wonders if anyone
would miss her or if they would cry
if she just decided to cut her time on
earth short? She wonders if she would
be forgotten? If anyone would shed a tear
on her on her birthday or think about her
on christmas? She wonders if anyone would
pray for her at church?

She wonders if all life is is pain why live?


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  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    All these headlines of sorrow, I quietly hate to imagine. Belief, is what u understand. And, let not ur cares lie on mortals, 2 avoid depression coming thru their incessant disappointments. Just know u'll win by believing in yrself n trusting in God. Nice though,..