Comments : Chamberlin: acrostic etheree

  • 13 years ago

    by Meme

    I got to say Larry, I really like your sense of humor :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    I love Etheree Larry, and how unique to do one about yourself!!! You know I had to smile when I read- but to read you is always a pleasure anyway. God Bless you and yours this new year and always.

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    There are so many styles of poetry out there and I know I have not heard of the majority of them.

    This is so wonderful that the people here are doing all types of these and I am learning so much.

    Thanks for introducing me to this style which I had never heard of before you wrote this.

    I like what you have written here. Writing how you see yourself. I like the part about being cool and humble and then miserable. The poem started off so positive and then you wrote what negative things you feel.

    I loved it!


  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    What a fun piece!! I do love how you mixed acrostic with the etheree... simply beautiful ... and the message is fun, cute and insightful of an open door to the personality of the writer... very nice!

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    A format that I like but have only written one. Not as easy as one would think.
    your humor brought a smile , you had a touch of it all, great wording, humor and perfect format.