Scolding Mothers

by The Queen   Jan 7, 2012

I dream of fluffy, pillowy pancakes
mounding on my rather half-eaten plate.
Of maple syrup filling the corners of my mouth
and how its smell would sting my nostrils
while I'm on the verge of never-ending sleep.
At times you would gamely dissect my Mohawk curl
(how it teased your nerves and spirits
while your slanted eyes cursed
my unready tongue,)

and I wondered what was wrong with you.
Was it the exhaustion in your eyes
or the smell of your hennaed hair?
I was too naive to understand,
gray strands were for the days of dirt
and nights of logic puzzles and fairy tales.
(What you do know might hurt you
but it's what you didn't know
that will haunt you in the coldest of days.)
There is something in the air tonight, Mother.
Perhaps, its chilly whispers that resonate
through the empty stretch of lifeless streets,
glances and images from my fingertips...
Through the silent halls and icy doors
as though they're weeping for a love lost
or, perhaps, for regrets not their own.

(I miss you more than I probably should, Mother,
though, I know, I've never been much of a good
daughter, either.)

Copyright (C) 2012 by EvanescentMoon


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  • 8 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel


    timeless piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    For the sake of my sanity, poems like this should only come across once in lets say every 6 months or other wise my heart won't be able to cope.. To say I'm impressed would be a huge understatement.. this poem is complete and utter class.

    I love how it starts with "I dream"..with that it sets a very calming atmosphere in my opinion.. also loved "pillowy pancakes" The Image is very beautiful and it kind of takes you to some magical place very "dreamy" indeed. But then the poems gets really intense, and it kind of snaps you back right into reality with

    "while your slanted eyes cursed
    my unready tongue"

    oh, that phrase is wonderfully crafted by the way..

    "(What you do know might hurt you
    but it's what you didn't know
    that will haunt you in the coldest of days.)"

    such wisdom and truth squeezed in one phrase..that phrase will probably become legendary with time..I'm ready to see it in some famous book..beyond clever really. Then all of the sudden the writer brings the protagonist into the act;

    "there is something in the air tonight, Mother."

    although with ;

    "Was it the exhaustion in your eyes
    or the smell of your hennaed hair?
    I was too naive to understand,"

    she kind of gives it out a bit, it still has an impact to have it confirmed that the poem is about the relationship between a mother and a daughter, and in all levels that subject will always be a sensitive one, no matter from which perspective it is written..And what is more glorious than a heartwarming, heartbreaking,heart-catching write,

    the ending of course

    "(I miss you more than I probably should, Mother,
    though, I know, I've never been much of a good
    daughter, either.)"

    The vulnerability the writer showed here brought tears to my eyes.. how she is humble enough to admit that she was wrong too..

    I could ramble on for ages, &ages..metaphors,emotion,flow and lets not even start
    on how perfect the punctuation was.. This poem has it all, and even if it doesn't take the front page,I'm sure it probably has already taken the hearts of everyone who read it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Still not over this.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    Oh myryn,I'll probably keep commenting on this for the rest of my life.

    (What you do know might hurt you
    but it's what you didn't know
    that will haunt you in the coldest of days.)

    I am so so so head over heels inlove with this <3

    If this poem was a man,I'd marry it..


  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    My heart myryn,my heart...

    a concrete thoughtful comment,
    will do nothing..
    I won't even get into discussion

    you know very well what poems
    like this do to me


    that ending, enough said.