by Jenni Jan 7, 2012
category :
Miscellaneous /
Misc. poems
Sometimes |
I believe you left no room for improvement here I would feel inudated if I had to |
by Twists
Oh I absolutely love this. I do this same thing all of the time! D: The simile 'like a drowning man' seems pretty dead-on to me. Anyway, this is a wonderful poem. :) 5/5 |
Another beauty by... DUN DUN DUN... Jenni! Haha. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Anyway, that was beautiful; I loved the flow of the poem. It really seemed to just...touch me with beautiful imagery and extraordinary emotions. |
by Decayed
Jenni, you've done a wonderful job here, and I think that this is the best thing I've read from you. I love the whole idea behind that, and how far you went with the wording, structure and of course... the brilliant figurative language used.:) |
by Paul Gondwe
You just have a way with words and its cleary visible in this piece. Just a few lines but with great meaning. |