I Still Love You

by believeinlove87   Jan 9, 2012

"Do you still love me?",
- Of course I do...

Seven months have passed since the last day we
saw one another, Hearing my phone ringing I look at
the screen; - Blocked Caller - My stomach drops as
I pick it up hearing your voice on the other end.

Telling you about my new boyfriend, Immediately you
want to get off the phone, Feeling the pain in your voice as I know how much it hurt you to hear that. Refusing to
let you get off the phone, you start telling me about how
much you miss me and us. Uncontrollable tears fill my eyes as pain strikes my heart.

Denying the way I still feel about you to myself and everybody around me. Before you get off the phone I say "Hey, I love you," as I hear you smile through the phone you say I love you too. Missing you so much, my first love, you took a special place in my heart that nobody can ever fill again.

Memories play through my mind, good times and bad. You call me back to talk about your favorite memory. Walking to our friends house, holding each other close never letting go. Laughter fills the phone as we part our ways. It felt so right to say I love you, Felt so right to talk about what we were.

"I still love you too,"
I tell to him, When deep down inside we both know
things were never meant to be this way. </3

- Phone call with my ex today... Confused feelings. -


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow...this is really sad I can feel ur pain Hun..

    Of course...5/5 from me

    Well done..ur amazing :)

  • 13 years ago

    by aanika R I P

    Awww.....really sad one, must say..could actually feel your pain that's all to say...:(

    I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to: http://s.exps.me

  • 13 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Another amazing poem by you, Holly. I'm sorry that I haven't been around and that you're so confused, dear. Written penned.



  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    A typical should I or shouldn't I situation. Feeling seem in a tornado of emotions. Well penned

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Awww... Holly this poem is filled with heartbreak, longing, and nostalgia.. It was sweet but sad at the same time... I think we all can relate to the feelings you expressed, there something about a first love...

    I loved this part:
    "as I hear you smile through the phone you say I love you too"
    >>> I love the idea of hearing someone's smile through the phone. This part just blew me away.

    Great job hon!