I Want You Back

by Roronoa Zoro   Jan 9, 2012

Four years already has passed by since I met you
I cannot believe its been this long already
I may of said to you that you were the worst thing to happen to me
But I lied
You were the best thing to happen to me
You changed me for the better
You were the only girl to say "I love you"
I tell myself I am over you
I guess I lied about that to
You seam to move on way to easy
Why arent you here with me?
Why can't you see that we are still meant to be?
I need you so much can't you see? that your presence is the only key
that can let my heart stop to bleed
But I guess with all these tears running down my face
I will wait until you come around
Without you around hurts me inside
Why can't I let you go?
What do I have to do to get you notice me?
Without you here time passes by so slow
Many girls have entered and left my life
I guess all I did was compare them to you
But I will never find anyone like you


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  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    I guess all I did was compare them to you
    But I will never find anyone like you

    Yeah, that's always a bad mistake :( Not everyone's the same...It's just sad that you're realizing it so late. Am so sorry you're feeling this way. Maybe she'll come around, who knows. Four years is an awful long time to just forget someone. I doubt she could just forget about you...

    Keep writing, okay?

  • 13 years ago

    by Autuumnbree

    Great poem, the feelings within this piece seems so sincere and that's what makes it good. The truth is when we really love someone or something there's nothing that can replace that person or thing... Good poem.

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Wow...it's hard missing the one u love..
    U wrote this amazing..wow

    Well done!!!
    5/5 4 meeee <3

  • 13 years ago

    by Misfit Silentts

    I really like this. I can relate very well to it. Especially with it seeming they move on too easily and comparing everyone else to them. Love hurts. 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Amazing true and wow I feel it all just adorning into my heart as I see and know how this feels,,great write

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