High School Crush

by ArtistrySoul   Jan 10, 2012

Poem about a girl you had a crush on in your high school years but never got the chance to tell her

I wish our hearts would melt
and beat as one, then I know
truly what love is
your sitting 1 row to the left,
I can't help but stare,
your love makes me fill
my page with butterfly rhymes,
your heart echos and
unsettles the ocean

My heart falls
from a tree of autumn
I love the way you smile,
telling you I love you
for me its not that simple
a colourless picture
when you nestle down,
i'd colour you in from
reflected colours of a diamond

If you come with me i'll take
care of you,
you be my first love
I'll be your only love,
this love is not won or lost
and should not be mistaken
as a substitute

Not telling you how I felt
made me chisel away my heart,
before I let you go,
can I get a kiss goodbye and goodnight <3


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  • 12 years ago

    by Krysten

    Another sweet poem. I really liked this one and its so relateable...everyone had that crush in hs. Overall good piece 5/5 :)

  • 13 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    Thx :), yeah it is difficult when you want to say something but don't get the courage to tell that person how you feel and if they feel the same way

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    I think that a lot of people can relate to this write and I actually like your choice of words because they really portray the uncertainty one feels during that situation. Well done! :)

  • 13 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    Thx :), i know but when your young you don't have much courage or confidence to ask lol

  • 13 years ago

    by Kayla Sonya Dearing

    Beautiful never be afraid to tell someone u love them honey.