THE Empty Streets....

by Rachit Bhanage   Jan 11, 2012

Those empty streets
Hav dreams that blink.
Still have that nostalgic picture;
With a rusting black n white texture.
They have her prints,memories,her dreams
that still surround;
Lonely it feels like nightmare hounds
Winds sometimes carry her fragrance
the carcas ruins
of the flames that burned...
To listen her voice are drying my veins;
As I know-The time will never come again.


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  • 12 years ago

    by whoami

    Wow! You have a way with words...

  • 13 years ago

    by marina14

    This is a very good poem :) its very specific in detail to what you feel in side :(

  • 13 years ago

    by average thoughts

    U r js an amazing poet..blessed..
    keep writing..
    And fr dis anothr poem expressed well..

  • 13 years ago

    by aanika R I P

    Liked the painful it is to recall on those beautiful memories and when you know i can never happen once again...... :)
    nice work

  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Ahh! thiis is sad it made my heart sad D: maybe because I can relate to it. . . "To listen her voice are drying my veins;" I really liked this line in here. . . a voice is defintley a powerful factor. Good poem :)

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