A Lonely Knight

by Rachit Bhanage   Jan 11, 2012

In the shadows of darkest nights,
A lonely knight who fought his fights_
Against the world he hold his might,
For his Angel and to rights.
Then a day came of concise,
His only Beloved made disguise !

She pierced the dagger by shine of light
The darkness started capture his eyes-
Inside the kevlar was a soul fregile,
But had no mercy of Crist by side...

His lips spoke out of love and care-
To his Angel thats so Fair ?
He shut his eyes,smile on face;
Teared on ground with a torment faced.

But the people,tales they say:
In the shadows of darkest nights,
I've saw a Knight who fought his fights_
Now his soul that was fregile,
Turned to stone,scars left behind !

Now he seeks the haunted hearts
Who forget their way to life apart,
And then he turns back again and starts-
His journey is ALONE to abyss dark !!


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  • 9 years ago

    by nancy

    Wow! Really a dark and imaginary piece. Well done.

  • 9 years ago

    by Shruti

    Wow, a really dark and magnificant piece. I like the feeling and images it brings.

  • 12 years ago

    by LittleMermaid

    Well written! i really loved it!
    keep going!

  • 12 years ago

    by Let It Be

    I love it!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by neon sunset

    I am adding this poem to my favs. its the best and most interesting poem i have read so far. please comment on a poem of mine as well if you don't mind.

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