
by UndeadGrace   Jan 15, 2012

Her heart big as a full moon
On a beautiful starry night
With the smile that shines so bright
brighter then a christmas room
I can't wait till we meet, till the time comes soon
I have no choice but to wait till noon

I'll keep putting that smile on her face for as long as it takes
Just so that I can hear that cute laugh that she makes

Her lovely dimples sink to the very bottom depths of the ocean
Where lies kindness and beauty
That I cant help to get lost in

When I wrap my arms around her
I catch a warm sensational feeling
As I gently grasp her
She gives off a heavenly essence
For when we kiss under the mistletoe
I take a moment to appreciate her existence

For the limited time that we have left
It is truly bittersweet.

-Ricky Alcaraz


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  • 13 years ago

    by Hollow Face

    I love it! So much happiness and passion. Beautiful work. Wording just right for me.

  • 13 years ago

    by Rihanna

    Awwww this is sooo beautiful
    I love it darl(:

    5/5 from me sweetie(:

  • 13 years ago

    by believeinlove87

    Aww i love this :)

    how much you love her & how much you just want to make her happy pours out every word. Waiting until you have to see her isn't a big deal. It flows well (:.
