
by Yakari Gabriel   Jan 16, 2012

You come off strong,
like a million
fearless ants attacking
sugar -

your smile,
reminds me of
a candle-light

and its the way
you're all the opposite
of all you ever
portray to be,
that dazzles me..

you rise from
dirt,from pain,
and misery..

with dim eyes too
caught up in emotions
that still radiate through

and perhaps,
its more than the
way you plant peace
in me..

perhaps its because ;

you don't know you're beautiful,
and that makes you beautiful.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    You know why I wanted to comment on this poem, I was going to comment on a more recent piece of yours but then I remembered this and how much I adored this when I read it. I keep reading it even now and it makes me feel like a different person. Stronger perhaps.

    I loved the meaning of a 1000 fearless ants attacking sugar, they're like a mini army aren't they? And yet they're so small, so delicate that they're easily crushed. I also liked the imagery you portrayed here, I could imagine them scattered, fighting to get towards the sweetness. I guess this could have been a metaphor for how one fights for the sweetness of love.

    I liked the idea of a smile reminding you of candlelight it's as though it's a flicker, there and gone, constantly changing but when the smile appears it's illuminating like candle light, brightening the area. If this is why you were saying it's extremely beautiful and sweet of you.

    "you rise from
    dirt,from pain,
    and misery.."

    This is my favourite part, the way you depict this person with such strength, it makes me feel as though anyone can rise from anything. Over the last few months I realised I am stronger than I ever thought and I can do anything and still put others before me. The word bitterness you know I can relate to.

    The ending was just breath taking, thanks for writing this, sweets. Amazing of you and it means the world.


  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    With dim eyes too
    caught up in emotions
    that still radiate through

    ^ That was just amazingly pieced together Yaki. Seriously a sweet thing to say that it made me crack a smile.

    you don't know you're beautiful,
    and that makes you beautiful
    I think that makes YOU beautiful. When you can see past someones insecurities to where it makes them beautiful in your eyes, that truly makes your an even more beautiful person.

    I loved this poem, everything about it, the way it was worded, the way you had a soft, sensitive tone in it..Awesome! :)

  • 12 years ago

    by A lonely soul

    I can see "Yaki has changed"! :)

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