L'm sorry l'm not perfect mom

by vanessa   Jan 16, 2012

Let my tears fall.....
whatch me cry.......
you wouldn't care if i died...
you go out with him around wrappend your finger...
you hate me i know you do....
no matter how many times i say,l love you....
i cared about you....
i love you..i still do...
why do you hate me?....
your just waiting for me to leave...
l'm sorry l'm not perfect mom....


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  • 13 years ago

    by vanessa

    They dont hate the child it is what the child want to be they think they now what for them sometimes they dont know

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    Mothers don't hate their children they may not like the person they have become, no matter what a mother will always love their child or children. I have a daughter her name is Vanessa those could be her words