Comments : Front Line

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I am not sure how to respond to this other than it's great. You've taken something others see as romantic and turned it into reality as ugly as it is. Excellent just stellar

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Front Line

    ---When I read the title, I was sort of expecting that this poem was about the military or war.

    There is nothing beautiful
    about the ocean.

    ---when I read this line, I was like. Haven't you seen the ocean at night? I mean, I have seen it a few times but I just find it beautiful. Oh well, this line just incited me to read more because I wanted to know why the author said that there is nothing beautiful about the ocean.

    It is merely reflections -
    the colour
    of the sky, the mountains,
    and fishing boats.

    --- hmmm, I'm not quiet sure about that. So I can't really say much on this one.
    Though, I'm might sound silly on my next line : But oh well I think someone told me that the sky's color is caused by the scattering of sunlight off molecules of the atmosphere so I'm thinking that the oceans color works the same way. Though, I see your point, but I needed to point that out.

    The lines are
    thrown and
    the haul is
    rasping scales, haunting
    eyes, a stench, and
    the knife.

    There is nothing beautiful
    about baited hooks, oil
    spills, and lives taken
    on the home courts.

    The colour of the sea-sky
    should be red.

    ---- with this last two stanzas, I realize that the author was trying to say that if humans continue taking over the oceans and harming their living creatures then the ocean is not beautiful and indeed, I agree. Its not beautiful if we see it this way.
    This was a good poem, it gives a good message and the flow was incredible. Though, it did left me with doubts about the color of the ocean being the reflection... Other than that it was a pleasurable read.

  • 12 years ago

    by Ste

    While i don't fully align myself with the sentiments i do agree that this is a very precise and direct poem, well written. I wish more people would write such opinionated verses as they are so much more honest that all the lost love stuff. Hey, that's just my opinion!
    This is excellent. One question though, what are "home courts"?
    I will read more of yours

  • 12 years ago

    by Half Husband Half father

    Dis poem is truly innovative lvd it u ve made ugly dat thng whch is beautiful 5/5