Comments : Lonely December

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    There were a few poems I went back and read constantly.. this is one of those poems.

    "Yet with a palm full
    of loneliness and a pen
    in hand I mended
    a relationship
    between feelings and thoughts
    and created a distance
    from control."

    Oh how I loved this. I wish I could've written it myself, haha! I love it. I love reading the "I mended a relationship between feelings and thoughts".

    I like how you worded it, too. Normally people say "thoughts and feelings", lol. It's the little things like that, that make me love typical things found new in poetry.

    Something about December, it hits us all. Love this.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    "even time wore black
    that bitter day in

    I can't even..


  • 13 years ago

    by Ingrid

    And at that very moment
    created the law
    to release the wrongs,
    hold onto the truth
    and leave the rest

    We cannot chance the world, but we can, however, chance ourselves. When we stop looking and paying attention to all that is wrong, or went wrong, and focus on the good things, is when the good things start to augment:)

    You always have such valuable lifes lessons in your work, Lu:)

    Well done!

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Wow this is so greatly done and amazing wonderful wording excellently written I loved it and enjoyed the read fantastic job 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    The metaphors this writer used in this write are probably what created such an impact
    on me.the poem starts with a vivid intro that really pulls you in..
    "Today I sat with the past"
    such an unique phrase, I often perceive the past as something to get lost in,
    to think about..but never sitting with it,I thought it was a great personification

    "and time with all its
    power to pull forward
    flew backwards"

    I love this! I love it,its like the writer is saying that even time gave in to the past,
    when it had all power to go the future.

    "Yet with a palm full
    of loneliness and a pen
    in hand I mended
    a relationship
    between feelings and thoughts"

    the way these phrases are worded are beyond clever, here the writer explains what every writer does when broken, take that pen and mend things, or maybe not mend but ease.. although it is coated with a metaphor you can still pull out of it that the writer is grateful for having the pen, thus for writing..further,I just have to say that this
    poem is as sad as its title the atmosphere the writer created is as gloomy as the images through out the poem, what a beautiful write.

  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    Let us jump right into it shall we?
    "with watercolors that dripped
    from my thoughts."

    ^First of all I loved this. You know any reference to art is going to capture me but I like the idea of watercolour dripping from thoughts. For me that's how I'd describe my mind. Everything is confused, blended together. The colour mix from this could almost describe depression, it'd be dark.
    Not sure if you noticed you did this but you then went on to mention the word 'etched' which is another artistic technique.

    However this really is my favourite part and I can't even describe why.

    "even time wore black
    that bitter day in

    ^This led me to think of depression again, the black, time wearing black, what on earth? How did you think of that. You know how fond I am of time and I never thought to personify it the way you did here, clever use of technique. The reference to December was another great tool, it's a time that's meant to bring much joy however a lot of people forget just how much sadness comes with this month. It's a holiday and those alone suffer alone.

    Beautiful poem