Don't Believe In Love Anymore

by believeinlove87   Jan 18, 2012

Waking up to a note on the pillow,
" Its over, I'm sorry but this just
isn't working out anymore,"
Is all that is written, Gasping from what
she read, she tears the paper into a
million tiny pieces trying to ignore the pain.

In complete disbelief, Jaw-dropped,
thinking to herself " how could this possibly be?"
Remembering just the other day as he arrives
home with a bouquet of beautiful red roses,
with a I Love You Forever card, as he
passionately kisses her lips.

Tears start sneaking out of her eyes,
pounding her fists into the pillows screaming
" No! Why am I never good enough? "
throwing everything close to her in a chaotic
disarray, shattering sounds echoing the room
as this once enthusiastic girl disappears.

Walking out of the house, bags packed, He
appears from around the corner; Trying to
tell her hes sorry, to comfort her broken heart,
irate anger fills her body as she shouts,
"You're the reason why I don't believe in love

- Not about me, Just a poem :) -


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by aanika R I P

    :'( speechless.......

  • 13 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Perfect ending on this saddening heartfelt poem. I'm really starting to feel this way lately, which is awful after seeing so many people in love walking around holding hands and all that stuff.

    Powerful emotions and great wording, hun. Take care.

