When Through the Deep Water

by Spectacle of Serenity   Jan 18, 2012

Thou art arrayed in spotless white,
t'was my only great delight;
Humbly walking, sweet appealing
--made the air with music ring.

When through the deep water thou goest,
let my love's banner float over thee
and smite death's threatening waves,
so thine protection, there shall be.

Yea, when through the deep water thou goest
my love for thee shall remain at it's best.
Let the ocean of sorrows shall not thee overflow
no matter how hard tornadoes may blow.

When through the deep water thou goest,
from north to south or from east to west,
scared I am for thou may gone astray
and appeared no more in my awaited glorious day.

But thou art the master of the ocean;
From confusion and anxiety, thou shall shun
and that quite heart of thee shouts thou art fearless.
So eyes that are wet now, ere long will be tearless.


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  • 10 years ago

    by Dancing Rivers

    Beautiful work,I love the use of olde English, like a Shakespeare type poem