Comments : The test.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Ah, the tests

    I would have found it somehow amusing as well if it was my bf
    but I would have also scolded him or someone else if they asked me for an answer on a test and also for distracting me while taking. lol

    I like the ideas and how you were able to come up with this piece but I think it just needs the ideas to be arrange a little better so that the flow of the poem will sound better.

    So here are my suggestions, I tried my best to not lose the message and to not changed it and this is what I came up with.

    P.S. its optional, if you want to consider them. :)

    So many questions,
    yet he thought he knew them all,
    but to his surprised, he was so wrong.

    when he sat and stared at his paper
    He became a mindless kid
    for he was trying to cheat off a hidden sheet
    located under his backpack.

    A secret glance that's all it took
    for the answer to nineteen
    to popped on the answer sheet
    and when the teacher was not looking
    he said quick, one more look
    then he asked me for twenty three.

    "I have no clue"
    and then the teacher looks.
    " I don't know anything."
    he grinned at me.


    All the troubles a little test can bring.

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Lol..well written, remind me of my high school days. Cheated once on a Physics exams and still failed so i stopped entering that good at it

    You should show your boyfriend this and tell him Paul says next time, he must study hard

  • 10 years ago

    by Tyler

    I try to study now, she made me learn the importance of knowledge. It's very sweet to be added into a poem.