I long to hold

by angelduv   Jan 19, 2012

Whenever the wind is blowing,
I can hear it whispering your name.
And I realized I found my soul mate,
from the very first day you came.

I was so blinded by my tears,
until u came to wipe them off.
You started giving me your friendship,
and ended up giving me your love.

My thoughts are always with you,
and you'll always be in my heart.
This bond between us can't be broken,
No matter how far we are apart.

I can survive my lonely days,
as long as we stick together.
During sunshine, during rain,
and even through the darkest weather.

Loving you fills my heart with joy,
but with tears at the same time.
It was destiny that led me to you,
but will it ever allow u to be mine?

Every second I cannot talk to you,
is like an eternity without air.
I don't have a clue where I would be,
in a world without you there,

It's like we were made for each other,
judging from the love we share.
For this special feeling u give me,
nothing else could ever compare.

You are the sunshine of my life,
without you, it's so dark and cold.
Out of everyone in this world,
you're the only person I want to hold.

The day I can put my arms around you,
is when my world will cease to be gray.
And I believe that day will someday come,
Because love will always find a way


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  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    I absolutely love this poem.I wish i could have wriiten it for my girl.it says exactly what i feel about her and you bring your message across so well it brought tears to my eyes.
    Ik ben zo diep onder de indruk.
    I voted you full marks, i really do like this work of yours.Well done.