Comments : Safe

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    You're leaving yet again, leaving me alone
    But my dear, don't fear what the future holds
    The clockworks of our lives may never unwind
    Our time may be stolen but you're forever mine

    This stanza is really good and a nice way to open your poem. The wording if good and it flows wonderfully. You acknowledge that your love is about to leave and the future is uncertain if that so happens. Loved how you said you can never get time back but that your love will always be yours, great assurance of love there, i felt.

    And I will keep you safe here
    Locked up in my heart
    Darling, you're a part
    of me, and I'm a part of you
    And I know you'll keep me safe
    Like you always do

    Good, very good. You continue to assure your loved one that they will always be with you in your heart no matter what happens. And you also show you trust your loved one by saying you know they will keep you safe coz you believe in them

    Darling, don't look back
    You've never left me behind
    Darling, don't you look back
    Because you've never left my mind

    A nice ending to a well written poem. The past is the past, no matter what it was, it should remain there but now, look to the future. Very good.

    I give this a 5

  • 13 years ago

    by Pia

    Thank you so very much, I really appreciate the comments you made for each stanza. Just so you know, this poem is actually a song I had written for my boyfriend and I just thought it'd be nice to post it up here too :) Thank you again!