Comments : A Singing Heart

  • 13 years ago

    by Hellon

    I wanted to highlight my favourite stanza...first I thought I liked the second best...then I jumped to the third because I loved the idea of the old barn and what it represented...then I thought the first...then I thought...Damn...I can't separate one from the other...they are all equally brilliant!

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    //Oh, Glorious Day! I have arrived
    and put my old wings in the attic again.

    I loved the starting of the poem... leaving behind the past, you are hoping for a betteer things in life :) loved the imagery of keep old wings in attic

    /Crossing the border between there and here
    I feel the need to throw my body upon the earth
    to soak up the comfort of my returning.

    Since I am reading your poem after such a long time, I could also relate it with your coming back, to express your views :)

    I love poems with such positive attitude... brings a smile on my face :)

    /The air of crisp September fills my lungs
    to ease the pain of past year's yearning.
    Sights of Autumn fill my eyes
    with tears of joy too long forgotten.
    Glowing colors of the sunset just for me.
    I bask in the memories of my palette.

    // ohh the imagery is lovely ... specially the last two lines. Loved how you used the word crisp :)

    /Now the night falls with a gentle grace
    bringing stars so close to my fingertips,
    the moonlight beckons with loving arms.
    I don't think I can stop gushing over the images you have painted here ... so lovely... so beautiful. the verses have a soft rhythem that makes it smooth and easy to read.

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Nomination :) I loved it fantastic write 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    It's so nice to be reading your work once more. I can't pick a favorite stanza each one if amazing.