A strange little room in the middle of a house
Little machines move within without a sound
An ugly little girl moves quietly about
Making little words you want to keep just for now
A violent little story spews out her mouth
A stitch weaves between your furrowed brows
Tell her you believe it, you can see it too
Tell her you'll hold her arms up all the way through
Now it's all hers
She loves it, it's all she has
Empty her little pockets
In there, you'll find words
Written by a crazy little girl
Hear her, forgive her
Give her a stronger little pocket
She holds up on this black night
She shows you her pretty little black eye
Smiles and says "it's more lovely than you think."
While in her eyes, pink vessels run wild like a cherry tree
She says she has a mind full of sentiments
Says she has a body full of little loving friends
Says she used to love them for their humor and wit
But now all they ever do is kick
And now you know,
She's your pretty little bel esprit, one little bat in the belfry
Making big things with her little machines
Now it's time
Hear her, forgive her
Empty her little pockets
In there, you'll find time
Give it just a little air
Hold her, love her
Fill up her little pockets