Comments : Daisy Ring

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    Sorry wanted to be first lol

    Love it, seriously! Absolutely amazing!
    Here it is:
    Okay, I'll simply start with the daisy flower itself: in my opinion it seems rather simple, but I made some research and actually found exactly what I hoped and thought I'd find. On one side Daisy flowers symbolise innocence, patience and beauty, while on the other it's simplicity, purity and loyal love. I think that's what a friendship should be about, so I am really glad that you used this as comparison.

    The title, obviously well chosen, daisy ring, now you're not only refering to the daisy flower itself, but also the ring, usually a symbol for eternity. I read that the daisy flower has been around for about 4000 years so both underline endlessness, which a friendship should be.

    Usually there are parts I like better than others, but that is not the case here, I love it all, not only because of your choice of words or the message you convey, but because I feel like I can relate to your point of view so much and well it made me smile.

    No need for : she loves me she loves
    me not.
    ^ This part proves that you do not have to question your friends care for you, but are certain about it. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
    I'd probably insert a comma between "she loves me[,] she loves me not" though.

    You're great, your talent is beyond measureable and I absolutely love this poem.

    Just one smartass comment:
    "Secure in this special love
    secure in it's strength, it blooms
    a beautiful array of reliance."
    ^ it's should be its :P

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    What a precious write of friendship and sweet sunshine... This piece is a floral decoration of wonderful words and an awesome form of expression.... love this piece!!


  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    I so love your description of friendship as Daisy Ring.

    It's like every one is a petal though the difference is that they are not wasted on plucking them, and the part of 'love you, love you not' just emphasizes your beautiful idea.

    And... also, your thoughts on seeds and water is original. Amazing TJ :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    ya I agree with u guys:)

    My fav type of poems is friendship, I trully love this poem:).

    the ring of friendship is
    an assortment of personalities
    adhereing to it's center forming
    allegience to each other.

    this is my fav stanza, and I love the idea of the poem:)

    I really enjoyed reading the poem, 5/5:)

  • 13 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    Brilliantly written by TJ yet again.
    Amazing description and great comparsions.



  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    I will simply say I agree with all thats been said about this piece. Amazing job

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    TJ another awesome poem by you!
    What a beautiful poem to describe a friendship ring and a daisy
    Such gorgeous images.

    A daisy ring is a cirlce of
    pedals counting 34, assorted
    colors forming a tight bond to
    the center of the flower
    I love what you have started off with. The description of the beautiful flower.

    the ring of friendship is
    an assortment of personalities
    adhereing to it's center forming
    allegience to each other
    I love how you then describe the ring itself and then compare the similarities

    Unlike the flower where the
    pedals are many, the number
    is no less important , for true
    allies are forged in love and trust.
    You have described the physical features of the flower and ring but here you say that it is not as important
    as the friendship bond itself and how they were formed.

    No need for : she loves me she loves
    me not.
    How many times did I pick the petals off a flower and say the same thing.
    It really brings me back to my child days

    Secure in this special love
    secure in it's strength, it blooms
    a beautiful array of reliance.

    Sow the seeds of friendship,
    fertilize with forgiviness,
    water with belief.

    Like rays of the sun, shine
    with warmth and passion.
    A beautiful ending to a beautiful poem

    Awesome TJ


  • 13 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Sow the seeds of friendship,
    fertilize with forgiviness,
    water with belief.

    The people that are truly yours will never get lost to you;)

    Lovely poem by you, T.

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 13 years ago

    by Dark Impulses Of Jenna

    This poem flows so well. I loved how you kept things smiple as there is a beauty in simplicity.

    Great poem


  • 13 years ago

    by L

    The following part caught my attention so much

    "Unlike the flower where the
    pedals are many, the number
    is no less important , for true
    allies are forged in love and trust."

    This sentence are so TRUE!!! Friendship is base in love and specially in trust. Any relationship is base on communication but the trust is always the one that ruins it when it lacks it.

    Well done, I mean more than well done.


  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    The ring of friendship is
    an assortment of personalities
    adhereing to its center forming
    allegience to each other.

    Just reading this stanza alone, wow. You have penned down a lovely poem that i found was deep and the thinking behind it was also deep for your choice of words and how you use them is wonderful.

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    Like the rays of the sun, shine
    with warmth and passion.

    ^^this is my most favorite stanza but it's hard cuz I loved it all :) it's a fantastic great friendship poem and an amazing poem and excellently written :) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Beautifully true! I like this.