Broken Friendships....

by Sami   Jan 22, 2012

I look at my phone.
Two girls, smiling, faces pressed together.
We were best friends, totally inseprable.

Then... He showed up.
Suddenly, i became the third wheel.
Then, i was left out althogether.
She ignored my calls, texts, and notes passed in class..

I was pissed.
How could two years of friendship be thrown away over a 2 month relationship?
I asked her that, and she wasnt happy.
We yelled at each other and she walked out.
Right out of my life.


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Latest Comments

  • 13 years ago

    by Sami

    Thanks. (:

  • 13 years ago

    by youngheartbreak

    =[ i know that exact feeling. happened last year to me... except it wasnt to a guy =] but a very good poem!

  • 13 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Aww :( I hate when people lose friends over guys h oes over bros! o: i'm kidding.. but i'm very sorry about this... but u just really have to find a way to work around this with your friends you know because theres always gonna be relationships that come n go u just have to hold onto your friends as tight as you can... sorry ur friend didnt know this.... but better friends will come along :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Sami

    Me too. And thanks for the smiley(:

  • 13 years ago

    by ArtistrySoul

    That's not nice at all, choosing a guy/girl over a long term friendship.........I hope it doesn't work out for her so she realizes the feelings you went through

    here is a smile :0) =) :)