The Whiteman

by Paul Gondwe   Jan 23, 2012

Its funny how it all began
He came on his strange animal
which had two wheels
and shouted loudly saying
he brought the good news

Our eyes quickly became blind with
his gifts and wonders
of using tiny sticks to make fire
and his black powder that burst into flames

We opened our hearts, opened our houses
and taught him our ways
of hunting game and festivities
of worship and sacrifices,
we even showed him our shrines

So blinded we were that we
never saw him beyond his gifts and wonders
Soon our forty days were up
and then the whiteman revealed his plans

In time, he corrupted our leaders
We rose amongst ourselves
Brother against brother, we fought for survival
all to fufil the whiteman's lust
of manpower to work in his plantations

Its funny how it all began actually
He came on his strange animal
which had two wheels
He said he brought the good news
but all the whiteman did was divide


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  • 12 years ago

    by Amy

    Nice poem.... Very well written!

  • 12 years ago

    by Lofallenve

    What initially drew me into this was the title.

    From beginning to end you had me hooked on this piece.

    "Its funny how it all began
    He came on his strange animal
    which had two wheels
    and shouted loudly saying
    he brought the good news"

    I love how you started this. I can imagine this being told as a story to people. It's interesting how you said "it's funny." Because it most of been a sight to see a pale-faced man on such a strange animal.

    The words and the imagery made this a great poem. :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    Nice description, great feeling :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Tracie

    You definitely expressed the suppression of slavery Paul..well done :) x

  • 13 years ago

    by Cara

    Like this one also. well written

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