Your love was never a lie !

by Marya   Jan 23, 2012

Everyday was so much amazing
everyday I woke,
everyday I hope

Remember my days with you
remember how much
we used to feel free
I had no fear
I knew how much I meant to you

You taught me what is life,
you brought me will
you made my day,
you never let go
I had so much to take
so much to give
We spoke randomly,
freely , independently

I expected, I dreamt alot
Reality, we're over

you promised, I decided
I had no other choice
I know the story ended,
I still believe nothing was a lie
I call you a lover
never a player

maybe I havent met you alive
maybe I will in heaven
I havent saved any of our talks
I formatted everything
yet, it lasted in my heart

how much time I spent
was never a waste
we lived a true story
along with innocence
happiness and lack of guile

My lover
I know we're far apart
we're still in love !
Dont ask me how
or why or even when
tell me yes
I never feign love in
someone I loathe
you know

In fact I'm not waiting anymore
I wish you a happy life after all


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  • 13 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Patience, is key to survival.. You may really need to wait a little longer, learning; Nothing good, comes speedily coz, Yes! It takes some time, but, When delayed, there's still more to Find! A real great job! Thank u 4 sharing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    ^ haha Emily :P

    Marya, I think as a general overview that would be enchanting to read, but if you want honest critique, you should work more on connecting ideas together maybe separating lines to make equal sized stanzas... and remove the <3 because the love shown really occupies this sign :)

    some blemishes here and there, some structural enhancement, and your poem would be very good.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ms Happiness

    U r really a gd writer:) Im sry Im bad in commenting;)

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