Comments : Progress

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Very true, I don't have a cell but I see everyone walking around talking on them and I wonder what did they do without one?
    love it good thinking poem

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    I could so relate to the poem. I wonder about the same thing. We have lost the art of conversing too. No one's polite. All harsh words around.

    //No more letters written by a loving hand,
    now we send an email via computer.
    No more waiting by the mailbox for the postman,
    now we wait by the inbox. //

    I used to write to my friends in school. The wait for the letters, the joy of opening the envelope, an email sounds so mechanic - emotionless.

    Are homes silent because everything has been said
    before you reach your destination?

    I loved the ending. Very thoughful question. Beautiful write :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    Just reading this and my mind travels back to the 90's things werent complicated. Actually i dont even remember how technology took over, all i know is we wake up one day and i see someone is on the cellphone so i want one too.

    i can relate to this poem, everyone can. When i was in high school, i used to write letters to my we jus talk on the phone

    even my lecturer in college nowadays just says we should out the schools website for assignments and am like what happened to good way of using chalk and a board.

    its indeed true things are changing around us daily and your poem has really expressed that.

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This is one of the best piece i came across so far on this site. It has such an important message that it really doesn't matter if words were rhyming or not...the structure....and so on.

    I was watching a movie yesterday '127 hours', you must be knowing abt it. I could so very well relate this piece with that movie. You really need to be all alone with peace of mind to observe and feel the change. Life is still as beautiful as it used to be but these technologies are just so scary & making things so complicated.

    They say that all these technologies will make your life easier...still what i see is people running all the time and they hardly have time to spend with their loved ones.

    Great write.

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by Hellon

    Yes...this is so true, even the content of the text has been cut to the minimum....c u @ 8 for example. I thought I'd seen it all until I received a wedding invite via email. !00 guests are invited...yes I know that obviously saves a packed but...a wedding invite is always something I've cherished in the past!

  • 13 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    What an amazing piece of contemporary poetry you have written. It actually reminds me of link I have posted on FB of a poetry slam. As I am sure you could have written it longer and went over many subjects of change I am glad you focused on the topics you did (mail and phones). The poem short, but packs so much volume into the words you have chosen that it should make one stop and think. It did me. I really enjoyed this write from you. Awesome Job

  • 13 years ago

    by Exostosis

    Upon reading this piece, one faces a dilemma. Is technological advancement good or bad?. Granted there are ups and downs to everything.

    The harsh truth is that, as we are connecting more electronically, we are getting disconnected emotionally. But at the same time, technology has connected people from every corner of the world. Its almost impossible to speak from one side.

    Very well written.

  • 13 years ago

    by yogi73

    Very evocative! We live in amazing times that are overly complicated. Thanks for sharing.

  • 13 years ago

    by Ray Blue

    Loved it~

    "Sign of the times, progress.
    No longer do we use normal words,
    signs and symbols have taken their place.
    No more letters written by a loving hand"

    It's very prophetic. Nicely written... 5/5!


  • 12 years ago

    by Failing Stoic

    I sometimes feel like an older person, trapped in a young person's body, because to me, the world has lost all sense of what is precious. In many ways, it has improved our lives, the convenience of having a mobile phone when you break down on the road side, it is a handy thing to have. But computers have stripped us of the time to go outside and learn about ouselves and actually LIVE.

    It's interesting what you said about letters. I would give anything for a guy to write me a heartfelt letter, to see the slant of his handwriting and know that he took the time to sit somewhere quiet, and think of me. I'd love to see the error in his words, perhaps spelling mistakes or scribbled-out lines.

    I miss CDs too, everything's downloaded nowadays. But there's nothing better than having a tape or CD to actually touch and feel. What happens when the internet, and all our various networks crash and we lose everything? We will wander around for days, quite lost I would've thought.

    I know families who go hours without saying a word to one another, yet they comment on eachother's facebook page while in the same room...kinda dumb isn't it?? Seems kids are growing up without learning the art of verbal conversation.

    Fantastic thought provoking piece. You are a wise lady for sure (I accidentally typed "wide lady" lol - good job we can edit comments now!!)

  • 12 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    We get amazed by the way technology has advanced making life easy for us and at the same time it makes us sigh for where has the good old times have gone. The old been replaced by the new..just like the old generation taking over from the old..An interesting write that makes the reader think about the good and the bad of the advancement of technology!

  • 12 years ago

    by Merdy

    True, we are eliminating all emotional content.

  • 11 years ago

    by Gary R Priester

    The last two lines made me stop and say Wow!

    Loved it!