Next Life.

by Tomiladeo Seun   Jan 24, 2012

Left behind by time
I am far behind by all standards.
The next step has been stretched
Farther than my short handicapped legs.
I have to continue to bask in a dimming light.

Life doesn't seem worth being in,
Living feels like a worthless task.
My experiences have not been all endearing
And even the few good ones can't be remembered;
They are too inconsequential to be memorized.

Ending the existence seems to be the best;
To totally leave the sorrows behind
But by my hands I can't:
Flying from frying pan to fire it will be.
A more horribly fiery domain not to visit.

Then if with this life I am stuck,
I cherish nothing else but my wishes,
Those I won't waste on a better state
They aren't powerful enough to force life's hands
But they are beautiful enough to indulge them in something else

I wish for the next life
For life to be (as on tape) recorded,
As free to be reeled out at anytime
And when tired as I am now of the present scene,
To be able to skip some and move to the next.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Tomiladeo Seun

    Surprises add spice to life but then there are particular instances in life when there is so much pain that one just wants it all to pass so as to move unto more pleasant `scenes`.However,I understand that like all scenes in a story add to the development of the plot,every happening in life adds to the overall character of a person based on how they are reacted to.I love your comment;makes sense.

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    I wish for the next life
    For life to be (as on tape) recorded,
    As free to be reeled out at anytime
    And when tired as I am now of the present scene,
    To be able to skip some and move to the next.

    I like this idea, about being able to control our life scenes just as in a movie. But then I think what about surprises.. I sort of like surprises not always, but that makes life somehow interesting the good surprises not the bad ones.. but the bad ones even if we don't want them make us learn something new and also makes us be who we are now days. So lol I don't know if I''ll be happy seeing what will happen in the future if I had chance to control how my life will be.

    Either way, I like that stanza.