Time bomb

by sun spots   Jan 24, 2012

Tell me everything you are thinking.
Never hold anything back.
The way forward is complete honesty and with trust in each other.
That is what we have.
Secrets kept are a ticking bomb.
Some secrets, our secret has to be kept.
The bomb is still ticking.
Let's make sure we detonate it when we are ready.
Because when it goes off.
It will be our own little Nagasaki.
And people walked away from that in one piece.
Although many suffered from the fallout.

But they survived.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Jawwad Zafar

    A wonderful piece of a master
    Excellent 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Chevalier des Fleurs

    So vivid and another one I can relate to.
    Very creative in the words you used.
    very sound and beautifully written, keep up the amazing work.

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    The way forward is complete honesty and trust in each other.

    you should put 'with' between 'and' and trust.

    I felt this was brilliant in that not only do you express your love in a way like no other, by comparing it to a love bomb, you also spice it up with some humor here and there.

    It will be our own little Nagasaki.
    this line had me laughing and wondering if it would on my crush...lol so original and creative of you.

    And people walked away from that in one piece.
    Although many suffered from the fallout.

    But they survived.

    I loved your last lines, though as horrible as the bomb was, some survived so you also have the hope that what ever comes your way, you will pull through it. Well written. You are talented.

  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    So far we have been honest with each other and that is the base of a good relationship.xx

  • 13 years ago

    by sun spots

    A time bomb is a good way of putting it. I will be honest with you if you are honest with me. Any thing you want to ask me I will answer honestly. x