
by Merci Perpe   Jan 25, 2012

I saw an angel the other day.
She then walked by, briskly on her way.
I wanted to speak and have her stay,
She passed before I even said hey.

I feel sorry for her, you know.
She wound up here, nowhere to go.
This town pales compared to her glow,
And she stays here, for why I don't know.

This angel is beginning to falter,
This town is trying hard to swallow her.
Her mood is starting to greatly alter.
Every day her apparel gets darker.

She has finally given in,
She has chosen a life of sin.
She goes out past twelve just to binge.
Her glow has now completely dimmed.

She has had about all she can bear,
I saw her at church taking part in prayer.
She has u-turned her life to be fair,
But her scars remind her and remain there.

This poem is dedicated to those who have been eaten alive by hard times or bad situations, of which I am one, and a reminder that if you're there right now we can always turn our lives around, but unfortunately we cannot erase the past.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Silent Girl

    Amazing poem very touching :) 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    An angel is perfect and I like the way you used an angel in your poem as someone who can also get hurt like everyone else. Shows that this world's unfair. Just something that didn't sound right (to me, at least):

    "This town pales compared to her glow,"
    -> I'd rather it was, "This town's pale compared to her glow"

    But anyway, maybe it's just me.. It's a great poem 5/5 :)


  • 13 years ago

    by Angel

    Wow i love it
    people may look/act like angels but in reality we hurt. i love how you showed someone so pure actually hurting. Everything is not as it seems and this is a perfect way to show it i love it. definetaly going into my favs and i am so recomending this/you to all my friends :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    Absolutely amazing, and your completely right... especially with how you decided to use an angel turning bad due to hurt and pain...
    I love it!