Daddy, Where are you?

by believeinlove87   Jan 25, 2012

Cries in the dark night,
shouting out daddy, where did you go?
clasping on to the picture of him in
her tiny little hand, crawling on her knees
looking around for him, begging him
to come back.

Her father, a solider in the war, died
fighting for his country; to provide a
better life for his daughter and wife,
taken cruelly out by a bomb dropped
on his troops in the middle of a mission.

Tears rolling down her face as she
hectically starts running around, to
young to completely understand that her
father is no longer here; Screaming at the
top of her lungs " Daddy, where did you go? "

Waking up from hearing her scream, mommy
gets out of bed running to her daughter;
throwing her into her arms whispering into her ear
" I'm sorry baby girl, Daddy is no longer here,"
tears roll down her face as she watches her
daughter pull away refusing to give up looking
for him.

Pounding on the door, Falling to the floor,
she silently whispers,
" Daddy, Please come home."


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Girl of Conviction

    Awww this is sad but so great and powerful

    i love it girly<3

    keep on writing<3



  • 13 years ago

    by Jaida

    Omg i loved this...i can kinda relate with this because my dad passed away too... ohh this is so great

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    An observation Holly; the 3rd stanza, last part of the 2nd line; i think you meant to use 'too', not to. Do crooscheck. Take care.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    This is a very thought provoking sad piece. In her petite mind, she still believes daddy will be back home in the long run, very depressing. Sooner or later the puzzle will form a shape; making her accept thier fate, he's no more but resting in peace. Simple words telling how the mindset of toddlers think and absorb situations. I admire such pieces about grievances of the demise of loved ones in wars, massacres, protests, et al. Vividly described like a play script. Exquisite, may the soul of those that passed on rest in peace, Amen(Ameen). Blessings, bye :).

  • 13 years ago

    by Dagmar Wilson

    My heart goes out to her