My survival

by Chelsey   Jan 25, 2012

Like a beautiful Tiger Lilly,
I have rooted myself
into the deepest soil of your heart.
Vibrantly shining my amber
and hot pink petals-
illuminating light in your darkest hours.

When the stems grow crooked
and the petals start to wilt,
you spring forth your flowing fountain
and come to my rescue.

You my darling,
give me all the necessities of life-
oxygen, water, and shelter
Some would call this a metaphor,
but I call it an example of my survival-
which is you.

Inspired by Everlastings poem. Check hers out too!

"Don't root yourself into someone who doesn't give you water"- Chelsey


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  • 12 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Hhhmm! 'Love is like a plant, you nurture it with water, sun, fertilizer and maintenance. You enjoy it when ripe and it'll be worthwhile in your lifetime. Perhaps not so if you don't shower it with its neccessities'

    So same applies to us too. Who loves to be much more pampered than us? We put a lot of efforts in earning the love of someone. As soon as we obtain it, we flung it to the unknown compounds. Hence loosing its once most cherished TLC. It doesn't take much to keep each other for a lifetime. If we can just weigh our imperative needs, it won't be much hustle keeping up to our expectations.

    Written from an experienced rich recess mind, ;-).. Great as usual of you. Cheers!

  • 12 years ago

    by Unknown

    I'm speechless, this is so stunning and creative!! 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenn

    I truly love how you expressed your love for, and the need to be loved in return by this person.
    So strong, and passionate. Good flow.



  • 13 years ago

    by East Poetry

    I absolutely love the metaphor you used here to explain your love for your man and how he brings you up when you are down, how he is your life line.
    I especially like how in the last stanza you very bluntly state, how this is not just a metaphor... but a fact of truth that helps you survive.

    It reminds me of the first poem I ever wrote, how you liken your love and relationship to a flower.

    I would love it if you read it... it's called


    also... another poem I wrote that uses the wondrous budding of a flower is called


    your poem here is a five out of five off to read another of yours:)

  • 13 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Wow, this was a great read, a very beatiful poem and i liked everlasting's quote as well. keep up