Comments : Spring Cleaning

  • 13 years ago

    by Britt

    This reminds me so much of when I first moved in with Jason. We kept getting his ex wifes mail, some of her things still there (we hadn't had time to sort through everything quite yet), and rooms were decorated and painted in ways I'd never think to do. So what did I do? Painted every wall in that house, ripped out all the flowers (they were purple and pink roses and tulips... I planted daffodils in white and yellow, tulips in red and orange, and lilies in red, white, yellow and orange, lol).

    It's funny how when you move into a situation like that, you crave for every trace of someone else to be gone, so you can fully get rid of them. I understand that, completely.

    And it's funny how you end it with "I'm not like her... this is my own thing"... but not being like someone else in anothers past is usually a good thing, as they aren't in the present/future for a reason. I love the ending with doing some spring cleaning, though one only knows you're cleaning her out of your home. :)

    Of course I'm taking this for the literal meaning. Your poetry gives me both, and I can also think of your conscience living inside your head, telling you to do one thing while your heart begs you to do another. Cleaning your conscience allows you to do what the heart wants, even though traces will always show up. :)

    I love this, and definitely related to it (in both analogies here). Awesome, awesome write.

  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    This is incredible! I like that you have taken a common known thing, "spring cleaning", and turned it into something so real, something more than what its original meaning is.

    I know this feeling well too. Its so weird, how many people could relate to this on different levels. When my parents got divroced, my mom got a new house and we had to make it our own. My dad met someone else, when she moved in she got rid of my moms wall colors and flowers and wall art...To me it was a sad thing, but there could be positives as well. It could be looked at as a new beginning, something different.

    This poem was awesome!! very very relateable!

  • 13 years ago

    by Blissful

    This was brilliant! I would love to do some spring cleaning of my future love's past ;)

    "spices to elaborate for a common woman
    such as myself."
    ^I think you mean "too" here.

    You set the scene so perfectly that I could see myself there. You used the senses nicely because I could smell the scents you were describing. Nicely done!

  • 13 years ago

    by Scrittore

    I love how your poems flow!! I wonder, is this about a lovers' ex, or maybe, as I got when I was first reading this, a memory of a mom or an aunt?

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    I enjoyed the creativeness of this, your words brought vibrant images of one that was. A person that lingers , the ghost of past residence.
    Excellent write

  • 13 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I honestly have never read a poem with the term 'roaches' in it before and as much as they make me squirm I loved how they connected to different imagery throughout your poem.

    You used a lot of natural terms, obviously this due to the environment you were portraying but even the draws reminded me of wood and the term "spring cleaning" creates a sense of nature even though it's not technically meant in such a context. The poem had homely warmth even with the 'cooler' tone.

    I adored the concept of this piece, I took it in a literal sense but honestly the idea comes down to not wanting to follow in someone else's footsteps. The tone was colder but also somewhat bitter because you're constantly reminded of a past without you in it while trying to create your own future.

    "There are pieces of junk mail
    bearing her name and MY address"

    This is one part that really stood out in my mind. I adored it. I understood the emphasis on "MY" but I didn't feel it was necessary as it has just the same an impact when you read it without it, the emotion and idea is there and very creative I must add.

    I loved the use of colour symbolism throughout, especially the reference to the yellow and cheery and how it was contrasted against the red. Red is a fiery colour and while I mentioned earlier the fact that the tone seemed bitter perhaps the person is just a fiery person!

    I really loved the contrast of personalities throughout this piece, they were polar opposites and you know it intrigues me of how a man or a woman who splits tends to find someone that's completely different to the one before them.

    Lovely poem Kay! It's so nice to see you writing again.

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakari Gabriel

    See, this poem.
    I wrote in my previous comment...
    that I was schoked others interpret this as a poem about the other woman...

    because to me it looks more like a mommy-daughter thing,and when one of them moved out
    the other wanted to erase all that was left of the other..

    but that's the beauty of poetry,
    and you left tons of room for different interpretations here.

    I was particularely fond
    of the stanza about the flowers.
    you did a brilliant job sugar coating
    your differences and the image I got of the different flowers was gorgeous..

    the ending was explosive,
    though the title gives a little away
    the ending still hit..

    this was very unique and you got creativity down to a T!

    Amazing Write Babygurl!

    I loved it,and I keep re-reading.

  • 13 years ago

    by ronel mccarthy

    Excellent ,vivid images! I'm not very domesticated but I find spring cleaning very therapeutic .

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    The poem is filled with beautiful images, delicately woven together. I too thought it from the point of view of mother for her daughter but when I read
    "what a cheery soul she must be. " , I wasn't sure. A mother would know her daughter perfectly and there won't be a case "may be".

    It might be about other women or maybe mother-in-law who has departed.

    I couldn't pin point on just one verse to be categorized as my favorite, there are so many of them, like

    There are pieces of junk mail
    bearing her name and MY address

    Her scent lingers upon the wind
    with each little daffodil and rose
    she planted with decorative skill

    there's a feeling of appreciation and a hint of - i am not finding the exact word - say aloofness to her qualities and you want to erase memories.

    Overall a very beautiful write. The way you have described the things is captivating.