A Clockwork Heart?

by E Dacaf   Jan 26, 2012

Its oil stead of blood,
that runs through these copper veins.
I am but a slave,
to love's labor pains.

I wont run smoothly,
without a little grease
See when they built me,
they forgot my final piece.

Its the heart I lack,
For connecting body to my brain.
I am forged of iron metal,
And I run just like a train.

I search the world for cogs,
to make myself run right.
But every clockwork heart I find,
is flawed from anothers fight.

For when smiles and looks,
are just lies and hooks...

I remember I am but a tool.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Janis

    Deep and emotional work, really enjoyed reading it. Beautifully expressed feelings! Great one keep it up ^^

  • 12 years ago

    by LoVerSLaND

    I really liked it, 4/5

  • 12 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    I love this :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Wafaa

    This was A..mazinggggg!!! I loved it u'r such an incredible writer I'm now looking forward to read more of ur poems.. my favorite line is probably:
    "I am but a slave,
    to love's labor pains."
    this was truly meaningful:) 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    This poem was amazing!!! What a frigid feeling though...I almost don't know what to say. I really liked the metaphors you used in this. Whoever had you before...seems like they messed you up pretty badly...
    Hmm...Guarded much? I find this so true, though. Unfortunately.

    But every clockwork heart I find,
    is flawed from anothers fight.

    For when smiles and looks,
    are just lies and hooks...

    Anyways, you're a great writer! You must keep writing!


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