When the sun goes down
And the moon goes up
In my town
Some of us mysticly change
Into beastly hounds
That go rampaging around
Soo quickly unherd Without a sound
If your not careful where your walking
You'll sadly end up dead on the ground Last thing youil ever hear
Are the sounds of are howls
Your body so badly torned part
We didn't mean to do this
It was are posesed hearts
We really mean well
When were calm and swell
Once the moon goes up
And cast it's spell
We soon start acting like hell
Becoming beastly creatures
From a another realm
The one thing we lurk for
Is the scent of your smell
We don't mean to do these horrible things
All the lives lost and the misery it brings
We are warewolfs
Sorry for the fear that we put in you
Best thing to do is stay in your house And hope...
We don't roam around your grounds.