
by Jenni   Jan 27, 2012

And once I saw,
that my paper did not
only bleed, but that the ink
actually dried - I realized,
that you died.

Right in front of my eyes,
as if you didn't prefer anything else,

but I resurrected you.

However, you returned
- to primitive state -
nude and vulnerable.

Dear poetry,
are my thoughts
and feelings
that insufferable?

Or would dressing you suffice
(though the scars would stay)?

I won't write in grey anymore,
but let me close that grave
- without you -.


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  • 13 years ago

    by Lifeless Doll

    I love the darkness of this poem, and the choice of words :)

  • 13 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This was really dark and really deep the images you set was clear ... the flow was perfect and your word choice was awesome .. dont think ive seen u write so deep 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness


    Such a deep and dark poem which has made me think a lot about death generally.

    The images - awesome and the first stanza is brilliant. A wonderful way to start the poem and entice people in!


  • 13 years ago

    by Chelsey

    I actually agree with Tara, this poem seemed so deep!!

    I LOVED this..your opening stanza was phenominal.....It was so unique, yet well expressed.

    The part where you were talking about you helped with the resurrection, that was awesome.

    Poems about poetry are my absolute favorite, I always wonder what people can come up with when writing about that subject..yours was so unique.

  • 13 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Jenni, this poem is deep and dark... and really made me think. The first stanza was raw, and you really captured me with the first stanza.

    I like how you express an internal struggle, with poetry I assume?

    Very original and different. Well done!