
by Jenett Mendoza   Jan 27, 2012

Who knew that i would be the one to loose my virginity and unmarried
i always told girls younger than me
don think about the girls who have done it
think about the ones who haven't
look i am. I'm still a virgin and i have no problem with it
I use to be those girls role model but now I'm just a hypocrite
I was so proud when i said those words "im still a Virgin"
but now when i hear someone else say it i say
"your one of the lucky ones"
I gave mine up to someone im still in love with
even though he doesn't love me anymore i still feel for him
He did me wrong but i still shouldn't have gave in
i almost lost him so i gave him what he wanted but he left any ways
8 months together i guess it was nothing to him but everything to me
don't make the same mistake .......
Boys if you don't respect her when she says no then you really don't love her and it shows


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