Broken home

by rachel   Jan 28, 2012

She hears her parents fight
The screaming and slams
It's too much for her to handle
All she can do is hid
She closes her door
Crawls into her toy box
She holds her teddy tight
It's quite.
She walks down the stairs
Picturing the mess
When she looks
Her mother sits crying
She looks around
Again and again
There is something missing
Her family is gone
Life would never be the same


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  • 13 years ago

    by rachel

    Thank you very much

  • 13 years ago

    by Jump from Life

    This describes exactly how i felt when i was 6-8.... always listening to my parents fight, and suddenly my family was gone. It was so scary. I love how you took on this topic, completely relate able

    <3 it 5/5