Comments : Empty Flower

  • 13 years ago

    by Love Panda

    So many levels to this that i dont know what to touch on first. At first glance i was reading about a flower thats just a flower that dies because somebody has plucked it from the ground, but then i thought of the roots and got onto family and thought about ancestors being the faded memories, but memories in itself could mean so much more than just family so that got me thinking again but i decided to stay with the family line and believe that what you are talking about is family leaving home, growing up, forgetting where and who they came from, forgetting the good and bad memories they had from a place they once called home, each with their own emotional damage and leakage, grieving over so many things in life until they cant give/grieve for anything else because their time is up, they died and left their memories to others, which in time will be forgotten also, the people left standing, the ones that are still able to feel emotions finaly grow old or just to their lifes expectancies and they pass on too leaving more memories from the original forgotten, leaving only their message, forgetting what is and was truly important to other lives. Time will ultimatly cost us all the truth and we shall all forget the very first of our beings...

    im at least hoping that that is what you intended if not then i'll just stick to my own ideals and hopefully take on bored any other perceptions of this..

    very good read indeed.

  • 13 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Very short & simple but it surely had a far more deep meaning than what appeared...just like poetry should be.

    Loved it.

    all the best and take care

  • 13 years ago

    by Lonely Rider

    Loved ones scatter like petals from a flower
    Like a forgotten memory slowly fades//

    To me it felt like a tragedy that has separated loved ones. Maybe departed. And slowly those memories too fade. With time you get adjusted to pain of losing someone.

    /Time will make vain empty flowers of us all.
    Now this is a very strong line... very deep in meaning.

    A short yet very profound piece

  • 13 years ago

    by Paul Gondwe

    This is amazing. You were just put the right words into it despite the fact that it was short but you knew what you were doing. Amazing write.

  • 13 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Loved ones scatter like petals from a flower
    Like a forgotten memory slowly fades

    ^^I could picture as each member of a family going away in their path of life, like a flower after blooming slowly loosing its a mother seeing her children leave one by one..this part is so sad..

    Petals bleeding from within until there is
    Nothing left to bleed. Feeling petals wither...
    The memory of a beautiful flower...

    ^^Another sad image comes to my mind reading this. Seeing an aged old woman holding a family portrait thus the memory of a beautiful flower. How cleverly this has been written. It makes me want to cry.

    Overall, a short write with deep sentiments that would touch any mother's heart..

  • 13 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Not sure how I missed this. When our love ones pass away or just leave our lives for whatever reason, our memories over time do begin to fade and we become that empty flower.