Three words

by Misshapenheart21   Jan 29, 2012

Your probably thinking that the three words in the title are "i love you",
but no,
the three words are the ones that can tear a friendship apart,
the words that break hearts,
the words that smudge a girl's make up.

You probably have a new idea of what the words are,
but you're still wrong,
the three words are the ones that people say so carelessy,
the words that bring tears to anyone's eyes,
the words that make someone give up.

By now you should know what the three words are,
do you know,
that when someone says the words a storm begins,
that when people hear the words there heart starts to shatter,
do you know what happens when someone says "suck it up?"


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  • I can see how these three words can hurt and anger you. I personally have not had them said to me in any manner other than jokingly or a similar such situation, so therefore I cannot offer much other than, try to be brave and show the person who said it how strong you can be. I dont really see what else can be doe except maybe punching them in the face (which will make you feel better for a little while at least) but that is generally frowned upon.. So yeah.

    About the poem...
    I rated it 4/5
    I liked how you kept readers guessing about what the three words were throughout the poem. (:

  • 13 years ago

    by Broken girl143

    You feel like shit when someone say that but don't let it show them how strong you can be.