Comments : Blue Morpho

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Thank you for the note.

    I didn't know what a blue morpho was. I like this piece and specially this next stanza.

    "Our thoughts would often
    intertwine like the branches
    of a forest tree

    and nothing has changed"

    I love this part the most.

  • 13 years ago

    by Decayed

    Wow, the first time I saw the title. I mean.. I love the word 'blue' and 'morpho' sounds amazinger!

    WOW, the second time for your descriptive language, and how you awesomely hold the ropes of describing anything that you imagine. very vivid, indeed. gotta' love it!

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    We would lay along
    side each other,
    upon the emerald grass
    which had cosmic aroma of
    the after rain

    ^ I really love the smell of rain, to most people it's heavy and for some reason it effects some people in a negative way, makes them depressed, but I think it is pure and actually purifying. I thought it fit to start this poem because love is supposed to be pure and also the fact that both people are able to just lay beside each other and enjoy the nature shows how strong and tight their bond is and how much they appreciate natures beauty.

    The clouds would sway
    in the heavens above -
    forming shapes of our
    furry friends

    ^ I really like this image, it is quite vivid and I never thought of clouds swaying, usually they just pass by or "hang" and by saying they sway it underlines the ease that surrounds you. I am just not too familiar with furry in this context, I guess you are refering to the butterflies and how the clouds shape like butterflies, but furry? As in hairy? But then again it might be my English that makes it sound a bit weird.

    I do not want to say anything, but beautiful about the third stanza! :)

    Our thoughts would often
    intertwine like the branches
    of a forest tree

    ^ I'd probably change "of a forest tree" to "of forest trees", I think it'd fit better, especially since you're refering to two lovers, it might underline that their love is ageless and that the roots will keep their love strong.

    I thought that the comparison in the last lines was really fitting, you picked up the title and well blue morphos are truely beautiful. Also they usually symbolize life, love or rebirth, which definately fits to the essence of this poem.

    The only thing that this poem lacks is punctuation, but that isn't too important. :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Lioness

    Hey thanks for the comments guys!!!

    Much appreciated

    Furry friends - looking at the clouds and how they take form of bunnies and other cute animals - furry friends :)

  • 13 years ago

    by Jenni

    Oh thank you for the explaination! That does make sense :)

  • 13 years ago

    by TJ Arizona Eagle

    Your images are peaceful and serene. I felt relaxed as I read , so vividly written I could smell the rain.
    It flowed smoothly, a refreshingly beautiful write

  • 13 years ago

    by Karla


    This one special.Images are soothing. It reminded me of my friend in Canada.He refers to his 2 cats as furry friends. Loved it.

  • 13 years ago

    by Innocent Fairy

    This is graceful and beautifully written I loved it it's so delightful with sweet nectar :) it amazing and the emotions shared with great imiagery,,fantastic job and nominated 5/5

  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    See, I had to smile. This is beautiful. You've captured the innocence of new love and the lines:

    and nothing has changed

    Our hearts still dance
    and flutter like
    the wings of a
    Blue Morpho


    lasting for an eternity

    just added onto how precious this poem really is. Afterall this time, it still feels new in a way. :)

    Butterflies in your heart and tummy that will last forever...That's so sweet. :3