
by Lioness   Jan 30, 2012

Another day
has gone by where
I haven't seen your
beautiful face


for the one that
saddens me
in the mornings

I'd pour myself a
glass of milk
into a cup which
appears to be unwashed

from the day before...

then I remembered why.

Your face -
staring at me from
the side of the milk

with words bolded and as
clear as day...


I take a deep breath
which calms me -
though only for a moment

Mundane tasks are now
my daily struggle

You're all I think about

It's been what feels like
a lifetime of you gone

then it hits me...

I'll never get to
see your beautiful
face again

except the one
that haunts me
in the morning

*A poem dedicated to the people that go missing. In Australia an estimated 35,000 people go missing every year*


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  • 13 years ago

    by Bridges

    D: Chills and frowny faces!!! This is so sad and it's so tragic how so many families go through this!! But 35,000!?!? I had no idea!!

  • 13 years ago

    by Larry Chamberlin

    One of the better aspects of this poem is the slow revelation of the nature of the missing face. Very well done.

    The despondency of the parent is starkly portrayed in an accurate, yet loving manner. It neither condones her obsession with the missing child nor faults her for the profound depression from which she suffers.

    Until your dedication, the force of the poem had me convinced you spoke from first hand.

  • 13 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    I read this poem three times, and cried each time I read it..... you have touched so many with this piece.... powerful and moving piece~

  • 13 years ago

    by RSJ

    Wow Liz, The way you came up with thoughts for such a poem just shows me exactly what your capable of, which is writing master pieces,
    I really Do enjoy every one of them, and this is a such a nice tribute to all the people who have went missing
    great poem

  • 13 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This poem bring a sympathic tear to my eye. The world is really such a sad and curel place. What mercy can we really hope for with a world such as this. This poem melted quickly into my heart, THIS IS GREAT WORK OF ART.

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