Taking a deep sleep on his Bed.
Whereth he escaped the Reality.
The Fairy Of Desire, touches his heart,
And suddenly, His dream has began.
He walks on the unknown Land,
Which he hasn't seen before;
A place whereth you feel Joy;
Of the beauty & wonder of thy nature itself.
Surrounded with a beautiful cast of Flowers.
In the beauty of this scene,
He heard an Angelic voice of a Maiden;
That sings A lullaby of Love.
The song caress his spirit & cleanses his heart.
O, thy hearing, The melancholic Sing
O, His step, Make hasteth to look the Beholder of it
And Alas! Standing on the distant
She saw a Beautiful Maiden,
Who's beauty Encompasses All.
Seeing A masterpiece of Art, which heaven's made.
Makes this man falls in Love with this maiden of his dream.
A hair that waives gently in the wind.
Like a Sea which comes back & forth on a shore
Thy face of this maiden, Is like the fairest
Of all thy Angels above.
With a Eyes that are so innocent & pure,
And its lips and cheeks is like a Petal of a Rose.
On the last moment of the maiden's song.
She whispers into the Wind, That she is still waiting for the One.
O, turning on her side, Her heart gladdens on what she saw th'
It makes her heart smile so sincerely-
Knowing her prayer was been answered.
And the smile of this beautiful maiden,
Makes this man said to Himself;
That " She is The only one for me"
And together in his dreams.
They lived Happily Ever After.
Waking up in the reality.
The Fairy of Desire made a Promise to this man.
That soon she would grant,
The maiden Oft his dream-
And would become his Reality.