Comments : Arms of Grit

  • 13 years ago

    by CuteThingsGoneWrong

    "Doors bang into hush ears
    Startling nosy disciples"

    Interesting choice of words I feel.
    Nosy disciples doesn't seem to flow as well.
    I think a little rewording could tweak it ... But this could just be me. I just wouldnt have used the word Nosy.

    "Eerie echoes of voices breeze within
    As pupils clutter in the hall"

    As Pupils clutter the hall
    As pupils clutter up in the hall

    I feel like either of those would flow better. Again slight tweaking is all thats needed

    Chatting perpetual in fright
    A fraction lean on the wall

    - This stanza has confused me a bit, Sorry. Just seemed a bit random. ALso again the wording.

    "Sound of trees swishing
    Warns menacing peril in the scenery"

    I like this stanza

    "Girls sitting on the squeaky chair
    Jittery mumbling about frills"

    Girls sitting on squeaky chairs
    I went with this because im assuming there is more then one chair.

    "Wind current roaring around
    Windows swing back and forth"

    I feel like the flow in this part isn't as well.
    The hardest thing for me is getting the poem to read easily while still making an impact. I love the imagery you set up though.

    Now im not going to write the rest just because there doesn't seem to be any big issues.

    All in all the poem has great imagery.
    The way you describe things is very well. Its interesting seeing how someone writes from a different part of the world.

    All in all i just feel like you need to tweak your poem so it flwos better.
    Granted this is just my own thought.

    it was a different read Good job!

  • 13 years ago

    by Yakori bint Muhammed

    Thanks for the review, much appreciated :-} Blessings..